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Wortenia Senki
Wortenia Senki

Wortenia Senki

224 Chapters 325 Views 19 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Wortenia Senki novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Harem, Shounen genres. Written by the author Hori Ryouta. 224 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


High school student Mikoshiba Ryouma was summoned to a different world in the middle of a war. Sensing the malice from the one who summoned him (a summoner of the O’ltormea empire), he uses his martial arts to run away, killing important people of the empire during his escape. After the escape, he rescues two twin sisters from the hands of thieves. The sisters who can use magic, swear to serve him as subordinates. Thus, Ryouma begins his journey on the path of the supreme ruler.

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