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Woke up as a Worthless Swordsmanship Genius
Woke up as a Worthless Swordsmanship Genius

Woke up as a Worthless Swordsmanship Genius

246 Chapters 1369 Views 123 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Woke up as a Worthless Swordsmanship Genius novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Fantasy, School Life genres. Written by the author No Name. 246 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Woke up as a Worthless Swordsmanship Genius Light Novel Description Lee Sunghyuk, an actor specializing in being an Extra. In the novel, he is a crazy extra. Associated Names When I Opened My Eyes, I Realized That I Became a Genius With Sword Art 눈떠보니 망나니 검술천재

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