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Why Fall in Love if You Can Attend Tsinghua University
Why Fall in Love if You Can Attend Tsinghua University

Why Fall in Love if You Can Attend Tsinghua University

122 Chapters 990 Views 37 Bookmarked Completed Status

Why Fall in Love if You Can Attend Tsinghua University novel is a popular light novel covering Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Josei, Psychological, Romance, School Life genres. Written by the author shí wěi tù | Ten-tailed Hare | 十尾兔. 122 chapters have been translated and translation of all chapters was completed.


Once she woke up, Gu Xuejiao became the arrogant and willful stepsister of the book’s male lead. Her specialty resided in breaking the relationship between the male and female lead… she is the nth female character.

Gu Xuejiao thought about this character´s ending. A desolate, abhorrent annihilation… and decided it’s better to continue to practice the Wu San workbooks she just finished in her last life.

The Cheng family watched in alarm:

The girl who was rebellious, and only served to let others worry; asked with a simple expression:

“Do you think it’s better for me to apply to Tsinghua University or Beijing University?”

Cheng family: ….

Note: Wu San workbooks is the Chinese version of Barron’s and Princeton’s for the SAT

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