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Weird Rules Rumor: At The Beginning, He Insisted That He Was Not Dead
Weird Rules Rumor: At The Beginning, He Insisted That He Was Not Dead

Weird Rules Rumor: At The Beginning, He Insisted That He Was Not Dead

56 Chapters 510 Views 96 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Weird Rules Rumor: At The Beginning, He Insisted That He Was Not Dead novel is a popular light novel covering Comedy, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Action, Romance genres. Written by the author 北无南山. 56 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


This is a world that has been captured by the rules of horror.

The chosen ones become players and enter mysterious dungeons.

In the dungeons, players receive special skills that help them in the game.

Bai Liang was also chosen, but his skill is different from the others.

Stubbornness: When you die, you can stubbornly claim that you are not dead and immediately resurrect.】

Lawless Outlaw: You can disobey the rules, and others will not be able to do anything to you.】

Everything for Me: When a mission fails, one player is randomly selected to die in your place. After completing the mission, you receive half of the reward of all survivors.】

Chronograph: After entering the dungeon, time slows down for everyone, and you can move secretly.】

Switch to "Idle" Mode: Activate idle mode, and all your tasks are transferred to other players.】

Quick End: The mission ends automatically, the rest of the players are eliminated.】

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