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Warlock of Oceans: My Poseidon System
Warlock of Oceans: My Poseidon System

Warlock of Oceans: My Poseidon System

210 Chapters 668 Views 117 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Warlock of Oceans: My Poseidon System novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance genres. Written by the author equuip. 210 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


It was an enormous tsunami that completely covered the sky, and due to its dark water, the sun had been blocked out.

A sense of despair ran through everybody as they looked towards the peaked wave quickly crashing down.

But was I the only one who noticed the massive sea monster lurking towards the front of the wave?


[Requirments Met]

[System has been chosen]

[Your god has been selected]

[System Granted]

[Poseidon System is being installed]

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