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Unique Gamers Travels
Unique Gamers Travels

Unique Gamers Travels

184 Chapters 1337 Views 52 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Unique Gamers Travels novel is a popular light novel covering Other genres. Written by the author ArtoriaPendragon_. 184 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Synopsis After her death in her previous life, a young woman was reborn in a new world with a unique, but powerful gamer system. Watch as she grows stronger, and finds love along the way! _____________________________ Tags - Futanari, Overpowered, Gamer, Lesbian, AU, Alternate universe, fastpaced, TVD, Legacies, action, adventure, magic, harem and more. THERE IS A HAREM: 5 girls at maximum, currently with 3 of the five. No One 17 and Under Admitted

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