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Then, Let Them Offer Their Loyalty!
Then, Let Them Offer Their Loyalty!

Then, Let Them Offer Their Loyalty!

97 Chapters 554 Views 124 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Then, Let Them Offer Their Loyalty! novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Mystery, Comedy, Seinen, Adventure, Fantasy, Supernatural, Xuanhuan, Mature, Sci-fi, Harem genres. Written by the author Chang Shi. 97 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Transmigrated into a world of chaos and bizarre artifacts, Qiu Tu discovers that he has slept with a powerful figure’s mistress…

Since he’s been caught, why not go with the flow?

Strengthening his abilities, building his influence, and recruiting beautiful and powerful subordinates, he steadily climbs to the top of this world!

Catastrophe abilities and bizarre artifacts include:

a yellow stone that can erase his impression from others’ minds; a mirror that allows him to freely adjust his appearance and copy others’ looks and voices; a beast’s head that can summon a storm with a kiss; a piggy bank that stores emotions; and a reversal potion that increases affection when used to hit people, among others…

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