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The World After the Bad Ending
The World After the Bad Ending

The World After the Bad Ending

108 Chapters 835 Views 71 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


The World After the Bad Ending novel is a popular light novel covering Action genres. Written by the author Muhwaggocran. 108 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


When I transmigrated, the protagonist was already dead. Now, I have to protect the world after the bad ending. So first things first, I became the enemy of the main heroine, who was on the brink of ending her life. 'I finally understand what all those things you said really meant.' 'I'm like this because of you, junior. Take responsibility.' 'I can only sleep when I'm next to you.' ...But for some reason, everyone is starting to act a little strange. - Quality Fan Translations, Made by Fans for the Fans - The World After the Bad Ending

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