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The Villainess Is Being Doted on by the Crown Prince of the Neighboring Country
The Villainess Is Being Doted on by the Crown Prince of the Neighboring Country

The Villainess Is Being Doted on by the Crown Prince of the Neighboring Country

210 Chapters 629 Views 7 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

The Villainess Is Being Doted on by the Crown Prince of the Neighboring Country novel is a popular light novel covering Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Shoujo genres. Written by the author Puni-chan | ぷにちゃん. 210 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Tiararose was supposed to be disengaged and exiled from the country.

“This was the Otome game I had played!” She realized on the day before the story’s ending――…….

Shall I wait for the judgment? But, I did not do anything too cruel… Thinking so, the ending continues.

But, during the judgement――something that was not possible in the game happened. The neighboring crown prince courted the villainous daughter Tiararose.

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