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The Sword Emperor Transmigrates
The Sword Emperor Transmigrates

The Sword Emperor Transmigrates

190 Chapters 3844 Views 159 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

The Sword Emperor Transmigrates novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Martial Arts, School Life, Supernatural genres. Written by the author 메켄로. 190 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


The Sword Emperor’s challenges result in three of the Ten Venerables to be criticially injured. Three of the Seven Absolutes also die.

“It wasn’t enough for you to come knocking at my door all alone; now you dare challenge me to a battle to the death? I did not think you to be so dull as to miscalculate others’ strength.”

”Neither the Ten Venerables nor the Yellow Lotus Temple’s Seven Absolutes of the orthodox sects had the ability to give me an answer. You are the only one left to ask.”

Some may call the Sword Emperor old-fashioned, but he only seeks to be stronger as a martial artist.

His endeavor eventually leads him to challenge the Heavenly Demon, the generation’s strongest man in murim. The challenge turns out to be the grand finale of his life.

However, the Sword Emperor later wakes up as a member of the Cardenas family, the continent’s best swordsman family!

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