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The Mad Dog of the Duke's Estate
The Mad Dog of the Duke's Estate

The Mad Dog of the Duke's Estate

94 Chapters 1893 Views 96 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

The Mad Dog of the Duke's Estate novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Supernatural genres. Written by the author 판미손. 94 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


I lived my whole life as a s*ave, bound by a leash. But there was one thing that I was able to choose for myself: the place where I would die.

“…Any last words?”

My only friend asked me in a calm voice, and I quietly replied as I closed my eyes.



To cut to the chase, I was reincarnated. And not just as anyone, but as my friend’s youngest grandson. So, what am I going to do now? Well, what else can I do?

“I’m going to cause chaos.”

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