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The Industrialist
The Industrialist

The Industrialist

137 Chapters 557 Views 67 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

The Industrialist novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Sci-fi genres. Written by the author Lovelust. 137 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


In a  monstrous post-apocalyptic setting, this is a story of how a lowly Inventor, Lance, conquered a nation governed by immoral group of Scientists called The Corporation. He grew and climbed up to the highest rank possible as a Scientist with his inventions and side businesses.

Eventually, he became a weapons inventor, building weapons to two opposing sides. In doing so, Lance always crossed a dilemma.

How could a nobody topple the most powerful government? How could one overcome circumstances beyond his grasp, especially in a world filled with monstrous mutations called the Abominants?

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