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The Genius Mage Was Reincarnated Into A Swordsman Family
The Genius Mage Was Reincarnated Into A Swordsman Family

The Genius Mage Was Reincarnated Into A Swordsman Family

159 Chapters 1238 Views 150 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

The Genius Mage Was Reincarnated Into A Swordsman Family novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Fantasy genres. Written by the author Thierry_Scott. 159 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Klaus had spent his entire existence as a puppet, bound by the strings of fate. However, a miraculous turn of events granted him a fresh start. The remnants of his former constraints smoldered in the ashes of his past. Now, unshackled and determined, he resolved to forge his destiny according to his own desires. No one, not even a deity, would be spared if they dared obstruct his path. Klaus was ready to wield the sword of vengeance and carve his own fate in the annals of history.

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