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The Falsely Executed Marquis’ Daughter Wants to Live Peacefully with Fluffy God
The Falsely Executed Marquis’ Daughter Wants to Live Peacefully with Fluffy God

The Falsely Executed Marquis’ Daughter Wants to Live Peacefully with Fluffy God

184 Chapters 260 Views 33 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


The Falsely Executed Marquis’ Daughter Wants to Live Peacefully with Fluffy God novel is a popular light novel covering Other genres. Written by the author Miyu Yukino. 184 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Katariona, daughter of the Marquess of Grandeur, fiancée to the Crown Prince of Dauphin, her country, is falsely accused of a crime she did not commit and is executed.

When she wakes up, she finds that time has gone back to when she was 7 years old. She has gone back in time!

Those who betrayed her will be punished!

No, no. No! I will not do such a difficult thing. I will live peacefully with my family and the two gods I met in the forest in this life. I will live in peace with Leon, the forest god!

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