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The Crown Prince That Sells Medicine
The Crown Prince That Sells Medicine

The Crown Prince That Sells Medicine

565 Chapters 1142 Views 57 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

The Crown Prince That Sells Medicine novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Shounen genres. Written by the author No Name. 565 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


The Crown Prince That Sells Medicine Light Novel Description: I’m the crown prince? The frail and sickly crown prince in the novel? But I’m a traditional Korean doctor who specializes in medicine. I guess it can’t be helped. Reforming internal constitution, recovering energy, invigorating vital energy, and increasing vitality. I’ll take care of my body from now on. This series tells the story roughly three centuries after the events of The Greatest Estate Developer. The Crown Prince Who Sells Medicine Novel, The Medicine-Selling Crown Prince Novel, 약 파는 황태자

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