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The Annihilator: Killer Of Gods
The Annihilator: Killer Of Gods

The Annihilator: Killer Of Gods

240 Chapters 1188 Views 117 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

The Annihilator: Killer Of Gods novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adult, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, Slice of Life genres. Written by the author Pen_Drop. 240 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Karsha, a general in the United States Army, was a loving father and husband who was accused of killing his wife and two children. As a result, he was sentenced to death. However, his life took a turn when a sinister being transmigrated his soul to a world of cultivation.

He awakened as a slave and slowly rose through the ranks thanks to a strange system with its own agenda. He began walking the path of cultivation and immortality, which will soon drive him into a conspiracy so grand that his understanding of who he was, who he is, and who he is to become will be put into question.

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