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Tales of a Seductress
Tales of a Seductress

Tales of a Seductress

151 Chapters 2064 Views 97 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Tales of a Seductress novel is a popular light novel covering Adult, Ecchi, Fantasy, Mature, Psychological, Smut genres. Written by the author whatsawhizzer. 151 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


After an unfortunate mishap with some stairs, I found myself in a fantasy world filled with sex and violence. Stripped of everything and turned into breeding stock by the first band of goblins I encountered, I turned to the only weapon I had available to me, sex! Now, I’m a seductress, the first and only RPG class that weaponizes the art of XXX. I will survive this new and dangerous world the only way I know how: one guy at a time.

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