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Surviving With An Sss Rank Inventory
Surviving With An Sss Rank Inventory

Surviving With An Sss Rank Inventory

207 Chapters 688 Views 53 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Surviving With An Sss Rank Inventory novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Fantasy, Shounen genres. Written by the author No Name. 207 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Surviving With An Sss Rank Inventory Light Novel Description: ‘One day, I became a ‘Storage Character’ within a game!’ A no-life gamer with seven max-level characters is stuck within the highest-difficulty Virtual Reality game, . Unfortunately for him, he just had to get stuck when he was on his level 10 ‘Storage Character’. It might be a shabby start to his new life, but at least he can take comfort in his abundance of items, right? SSS급 창고 캐릭터로 살아남기

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