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Surviving as a Genius on Borrowed Time
Surviving as a Genius on Borrowed Time

Surviving as a Genius on Borrowed Time

118 Chapters 2531 Views 64 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Surviving as a Genius on Borrowed Time novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy genres. Written by the author No Name. 118 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Surviving as a Genius on Borrowed Time Light Novel (How a Terminally-Ill Genius Survives | Terminally-Ill Genius Survival Guide | 시한부 천재가 살아남는 법) With unmatched talent, but a fate sealed by a terminal illness, Jeong Yeon-Shin challenges his destined death for a chance to live. Set in a realm where elves and dwarves coexist with martial artists, this is the story of Jeong Yeon-shin, a genius fighting to extend his life against all odds.

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