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Supervillain Idol System: My Sidekick Is A Yandere
Supervillain Idol System: My Sidekick Is A Yandere

Supervillain Idol System: My Sidekick Is A Yandere

296 Chapters 2677 Views 273 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Supervillain Idol System: My Sidekick Is A Yandere novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, Slice of Life, Supernatural genres. Written by the author System_Department. 296 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


After being wrongfully accused and killed, a young man reincarnates into a superhuman society as a third rate villain named Don, whose biggest asset is his side-kick with mental issues. With few options available to him, Don accepts the mantle of his predecessor and must now not only survive in a new and dangerous world, but also conquer it....

**Congratulations, you have died and awakened the Supervillain Idol System.**

**The path to fame, fortune and world domination is yours is take!!**

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