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Super Check-in System: Beginning of the movie ‘The Grudge’
Super Check-in System: Beginning of the movie ‘The Grudge’

Super Check-in System: Beginning of the movie ‘The Grudge’

7 Chapters 104 Views 50 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Super Check-in System: Beginning of the movie ‘The Grudge’ novel is a popular light novel covering Other genres. Written by the author 山大人呀. 7 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Chen Lu gets a mysterious and unpredictable Check-In System! Go to [ the own bathroom] to Check-in, reward One thousand dollars! Go to [the apartment rooftop] and Check-in, Reward Powerful fighting skill! More Check-ins, more rewards! Just when Chen Lu thought he was about to become a millionaire, marry a rich woman and enjoy his life lazily, the Official Game had just started … … Ju-on (2002), Dead Silence (2007), Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum (2018) … … Why are all Check-ins at Horror movies?

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