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Suddenly Became A Princess One Day
Suddenly Became A Princess One Day

Suddenly Became A Princess One Day

11 Chapters 30 Views 16 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Suddenly Became A Princess One Day novel is a popular light novel covering Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Slice of Life genres. Written by the author Plutos. 11 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


When I opened my eyes I had become a princess!

But out of all characters in this romance novel, why is it the princess who has the fate of dying to her own blood-related dad, the emperor!

If I want to live, I must not be seen by that emperor dad.

“When did this kind of scumbag start living in my castle?”

The man who doesn’t have single drop of blood nor tear to drop, that cold emperor Claude! Will Athanasia who had been caught by the emperor be able to survive?

“I… What

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