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Steampunk: Sixth Era Epic
Steampunk: Sixth Era Epic

Steampunk: Sixth Era Epic

272 Chapters 676 Views 58 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Steampunk: Sixth Era Epic novel is a popular light novel covering Adventure, Historical, Romance, Supernatural genres. Written by the author Salty Fish Pilot. 272 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Arriving in a new world where the steam industry was booming, he inherited a three-story apartment on the capital's royal square, took in someone else's cat, and listened to the whispers at his ear, ready to witness this mysterious and bizarre era.

The epic of the Sixth Era was about to commence, and behind the curtain, The Chosen One was destined to step into legend. Old Gods, Relics, steam, witches, detectives, ancient secrets, the Era's brilliance...

"Would you like to play a round of Roder Cards?"

Time engraved the hours, as Silvermoon illuminated the shadows. I compose your legend, you whisper your verses to me.

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