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Solo Resurrection
Solo Resurrection

Solo Resurrection

133 Chapters 1803 Views 49 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Solo Resurrection novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Fantasy genres. Written by the author No Name. 133 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Solo Resurrection Light Novel 나 혼자 부활한다, I Alone Resurrect Light Novel, I Am Resurrected Alone Novel, Tái Sinh Đơn Độc Novel Description: [Innate Ability: Resurrection] “What? What’s with this super OP cheat skill?” However, Kang Hyeon didn’t know what it meant to die, want to die, and not being able to. The man who became the most infamous hunter on Earth with his immortal body! “As a human disaster – no, as one against the disasters facing the human race,I will solo resurrect today as well!”

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