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So I'm a Snake, Who Cares?
So I'm a Snake, Who Cares?

So I'm a Snake, Who Cares?

374 Chapters 4225 Views 212 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

So I'm a Snake, Who Cares? novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy genres. Written by the author LIQN. 374 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


I, the protagonist, was just an ordinary NEET, but suddenly I was reincarnated as a tiny white snake in a fantasy world where legendary creatures and gods exist. Not only that, but I awakened in a cave as the offspring of a terrifying Medusa Serpent.

Armed with only my human knowledge and my indomitable mental strength, I'm forced to use cunning tactics and rapidly evolving skills to survive against far stronger monsters and humans... So begins the survival story of a former shut-in with incredible willpower, living as one of the lowest-ranked beasts in a world of magic!

Music suddenly started playing in my head.

I'd been waiting for this moment for so long.

'Snakes! Assemble'


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