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Shinigami in the Ninja World
Shinigami in the Ninja World

Shinigami in the Ninja World

242 Chapters 2444 Views 78 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Shinigami in the Ninja World novel is a popular light novel covering Fantasy, Action genres. Written by the author 紫金咩. 242 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


At the age of 12, Naruto Uzumaki gained the extraordinary ability to traverse between his home world, the Ninja World, and the mysterious world known as the Soul Society.

Naruto's Diary:

Konoha Year 63, March 15: I seem to have died [crossed out] I seem to have died and come back to life.

Konoha Year 63, March 16: The weight of this new existence crushes him. A return to life offers no solace, and he questions whether it might have been better to remain dead.

Konoha Year 63, April 1: Desperation sets in as Naruto searches the Soul Society for his parents, only to discover that this world is not connected to his own. His parents are nowhere to be found.

Konoha Year 63, July: The dream of becoming Hokage fades, as Naruto finds himself detached from the village that once held his heart. The desire to become a Shinigami grows stronger within him, spurred by the hope of discovering the true Soul Society of his world and reuniting with his parents.

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