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Ruinous Return
Ruinous Return

Ruinous Return

100 Chapters 314 Views 53 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Ruinous Return novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Drama, Fantasy, Psychological genres. Written by the author SerasStreams. 100 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


The price for saving the world is the right to rule it.

After saving a faraway land, Lyn Rivers was cast back to Earth. Wanting the admiration, prestige, and glory of saving that realm, she forced her way back.

But she was forgotten, and someone else claimed credit for her deeds.

Now, with the power of a deity of destruction, she desires nothing more than to claim her place in history. To do that she will conquer dungeons, make alliances, destroy kingdoms, and build an empire.

After all, why ruin the world when you can bend it to your will?

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