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Returning to the Mysterious Era
Returning to the Mysterious Era

Returning to the Mysterious Era

192 Chapters 1261 Views 103 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Returning to the Mysterious Era novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Mystery, Xuanhuan genres. Written by the author Grey Gravestone灰色墓碑. 192 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Returning to the Mysterious Era features a boy who can time-travel back to the past using old relics. The twist? He’s stuck in the body of the relic’s owner.

After a near-death experience, Cassius unlocks his ability to travel to the past in the body of Li Wei, a member of the Wind Elephant Sect. Li Wei was a coward who lived a life of regrets up until the day the entire Wind Elephant Sect was mu*dered. As Cassius relives Li Wei’s past, he makes different decisions to show Li Wei a different kind of future.

By living out the ups and downs of Li Wei’s life, Cassius is introduced to the world of Covert Martial Arts, ties that run closer than blood, and supernatural forces. Crossing the line between the ordinary and supernatural, he realizes there’s no way back. New friends and enemies slowly integrate into his reality.

Now, he must uncover the secrets of Covert Martial Arts and get stronger to survive.

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