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Return of the Goddess
Return of the Goddess
107 Chapters 657 Views 19 Bookmarked Completed Status

Return of the Goddess novel is a popular light novel covering Drama, Josei, Slice of Life genres. Written by the author Butterflys Shadow Beneath the Moon | Yue Xia Die Ying | 月下蝶影. 107 chapters have been translated and translation of all chapters was completed.


When she left the capital city, she was fat, chubby and white in everybody’s eyes. When she returned to the capital city, she was perfect; a goddess in everybody’s eyes.

A reporter once asked her: What do you think is most important for a woman?

She simply smiled and answered: The most important thing is to be good to ourselves.

When a person has a crush, other than the person himself, no one will know.

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