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Reincarnation Of A Swordsman: The Omni Mage
Reincarnation Of A Swordsman: The Omni Mage

Reincarnation Of A Swordsman: The Omni Mage

222 Chapters 1558 Views 127 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Reincarnation Of A Swordsman: The Omni Mage novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance genres. Written by the author YoungCreator. 222 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


The Celestial War!

A war that has been ongoing since time!

Pyrrhus, the human god isn't left out. He's known for his might and greediness, conquering many stars and sectors!

Kyle Lin, a boy of Zekkoa becomes the recepient of a system; one which Pyrrhus has sent as a help. Forced to reincarnate into a magic world, he must grow stronger as the world is at stake.

Kyle must free himself of being a pawn and take power into his own hands. Witness his journey to become an Omni Mage!

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