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Reborn As A Villainous Cannon Fodder
Reborn As A Villainous Cannon Fodder

Reborn As A Villainous Cannon Fodder

227 Chapters 2190 Views 177 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Reborn As A Villainous Cannon Fodder novel is a popular light novel covering Adventure, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, Xianxia genres. Written by the author Reborn As A Villainous Cannon Fodder. 227 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


I was reborn and began enjoying the high life at the Fallen Pavilion as the pampered young master of a prestigious family. To take me home, my lovely aunt personally visited the VIP room. I could even make a threat to have the immortal ice queen dance for me under the moonlight and captivate me with her beauty in the evening. Even the notorious foxgirl fell in love with me and followed me across the world like a loyal puppysimply because I was so handsome.

But... Isn'tthistoo good to be true?

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