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Rebirth: Childhood friend of the heroine
Rebirth: Childhood friend of the heroine

Rebirth: Childhood friend of the heroine

145 Chapters 1863 Views 171 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Rebirth: Childhood friend of the heroine novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Harem, Romance genres. Written by the author RashCore. 145 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Many people wish to become a character in a novel they like. Side characters are the best ones to reincarnate as. And Ceaser was the same.

However, the problem is, the person he reborn as, was supposed to die at that time when Ceaser appears in the fantasy world.

The childhood friend of the main heroine, who was supposed to be a stepping stone for the main lead so she can grow stronger. However, now that Ceaser was in that person’s body, naturally, he couldn't let himself get killed just after rebirth.

But what consequences will he bring by staying alive? And what awaits near the end of this story, about which even Ceaser is unaware?

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