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Prince charming, your persona has collapsed!
Prince charming, your persona has collapsed!

Prince charming, your persona has collapsed!

202 Chapters 653 Views 73 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Prince charming, your persona has collapsed! novel is a popular light novel covering Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life genres. Written by the author Monday Parrot. 202 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Reincarnated into his college days.

Zhou Yuwen knew the importance of a persona.

In this life, Zhou Yuwen's labels were aloof, mature, and exceptionally talented!

"I'm quite traditional, I believe that if you're in a relationship, you need to be responsible, so one must be extremely cautious about dating."

"Zhou Yuwen, let's get remarried!"

"Damn it! Are you poisoned or something? I haven't even been married before!"

"Stop talking nonsense! We were married in our last life!"

"That was in the past life!"


"Go away! I have a girlfriend!"

He fled, she chased!

He couldn't escape, even if he had wings!

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