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Path of the Extra
Path of the Extra

Path of the Extra

203 Chapters 5420 Views 271 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Path of the Extra novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, School Life genres. Written by the author Crypthh. 203 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


After a tragic accident that claimed the lives of his parents and little sister, Leo, just 17 years old, found himself shouldering all responsibilities alone.

By some miracle, he survived the past four months on his own—attending high school, juggling multiple part-time jobs, and enduring sympathetic gazes that pained him.

The only respite he found was in books, which offered him an escape and some semblance of joy.

One day, while engrossed in the book 'Path of Heroes: Battle Against the End,' his life took an unexpected turn.

Halfway through the story, he inexplicably found himself transmigrated into the world of Path of Heroes, inhabiting the body of Azriel Crimson—a character never mentioned in the story's first half.

An extra.

Someone seemingly irrelevant to the plot.

Unfortunately—or perhaps fortunately—fate had other plans, and Leo soon discovered that being a mere extra was not his destiny after all.

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