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Overlord: The Multiverse
Overlord: The Multiverse

Overlord: The Multiverse

95 Chapters 1544 Views 173 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Overlord: The Multiverse novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adult, Comedy, Ecchi, Harem, Isekai, Romance, Smut genres. Written by the author Black_Bolt. 95 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


When MC was reliving on a picture of a Goddess, he died. Only meet the Goddess but instead of torturing him to eternity, She give him wishes. And make him reincarnated in Overlord world.

As the name suggested, this a multiverse Fan fiction, that mean MC will travel through different world like Marvel, DC, Highschool DXD, Demon Slayer etc.

first world: Overlord

second World: Highschool DXD

There will a harem, No NTR Or stuff.

(some of you might dislike the Yggdrisil arc as it is bit of AU and MC talk a lot. But it is only in this arc on world travel arc I will tone down his unnecessary internal monologue.)

I am not a professional writing and I have no deep experience in writing, so please ignore my grammar mistake and such. I also took some inspiration from other fan fiction.

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