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Otherworldly Desert Dust
Otherworldly Desert Dust

Otherworldly Desert Dust

205 Chapters 373 Views 35 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Otherworldly Desert Dust novel is a popular light novel covering Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-fi genres. Written by the author Chaos (Fish's Sky). 205 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


"For a long time, we humans have been like the chosen race, without any natural enemies, and have long been at the top of the food chain. Unfortunately, I have to tell you..."

"When there is only one bird in a forest, then the forest is basically fake, and the bird was put there by someone..."

"No matter how a fish swims, it can never meet any of its kind, which only means that the fish is kept in a fish tank..."

"Yes, we are the birds in the forest and the fish in the tank."

"Yes, the world we live in is virtual!"

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