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Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]
Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

257 Chapters 1686 Views 36 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic] novel is a popular light novel covering Fantasy genres. Written by the author minimi22. 257 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Aurora was a renowned physicist but her career came to an abrubt end at the hands of an accident. Now she has been shoved to a world she somewhat know. Using the boons brought by the accident follow her as she takes full advantage of her knowledge to do whatever the fuck she wants.

ps: Removed the Harem tag cause this isn't really a harem story. I had tagged it as such since there would be more than one love interest. But there only two love interests so harem feels like a bit much.

Pss: If any of you lovely people see my stuff in thats also me :3


I don't own anything to do with the Naruto world or characters. All rights belong to their respective owners. This is just a fun story I felt like writing after reading one too many Naruto fanfics myself.

If this story does well enough and I have money to spare I might commision a proper cover. I won't complain if any of you want to make one for free tho :P

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