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Nightmare Realm Summoner
Nightmare Realm Summoner

Nightmare Realm Summoner

157 Chapters 1131 Views 89 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Nightmare Realm Summoner novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Mystery, Supernatural genres. Written by the author Actus. 157 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


When the system warned the world that it was coming a week in advance, Alex couldn’t have been more excited.

In college for a degree he didn’t care about to get a job he didn’t want, the promise of a world where magic and challenge awaited — even at the potential cost of death — was the best news he possibly could have imagined.  

Alex was ready for a new life. He wasn’t ready for his only friend to shove him through a portal into hell the moment the apocalypse started. Instead of getting to punt rabbits and farm wolves, Alex finds himself stranded in a warped world where even the bugs are stronger than he is. Even with a summoner class that gains the powers of its monsters, most people would have died.  

Alex didn’t get the memo.

He might have liked challenge a little bit too much. Where others saw certain death, he found something else.


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