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Naming Technique of the Night
Naming Technique of the Night

Naming Technique of the Night

264 Chapters 501 Views 35 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Naming Technique of the Night novel is a popular light novel covering Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance genres. Written by the author The Speaking Pork Trotter. 264 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


In the neon of blue and purple, under the thick steel sky, at the forefront of this surge of data, lies the world post-tech revolution.

It’s also the dividing line between reality and illusion.

Steel and flesh, past and future.

In this place, the world outside and inside coexist. Everything in front of us feels like a wall of time within reach.

The darkness is slowly creeping in.

But hey, my friend, you gotta know, we can’t just counter darkness with softness.

Gotta use fire.

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