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My Monster Fuses Everything
My Monster Fuses Everything

My Monster Fuses Everything

344 Chapters 2446 Views 126 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

My Monster Fuses Everything novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Horror, Supernatural genres. Written by the author My Monster Fuses Everything. 344 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Apocalypse befell, and roommates performed a skyward ritual.

As the fog descended, the Book of Blood Spirit appeared in the hands of all survivors, and only those with a Contract monster could survive.

Su Han directed his gaze to the neighbor who had already mutated and twisted, silently pulling out a gleaming fruit knife...

Grotesque meat corpses, giant spiders with gaping mouths, eyeballs enveloping the city, one-eyed sharp-toothed hand monsters...

Civilization fell, cities shattered, and all humans became meat for the monsters. There was only one way to survive:

Use monsters to fight monsters.

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