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Multiverse: Deathstroke
Multiverse: Deathstroke

Multiverse: Deathstroke

421 Chapters 1387 Views 95 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Multiverse: Deathstroke novel is a popular light novel covering Other genres. Written by the author EdgeOfSky. 421 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Synopsis After transmigrating into the Marvel-DC multiverse, he, once an ordinary person, has now become a world-renowned mercenary and assassin. Things have changed. Should he become a righteous hero, or continue his dark profession? "Don't use such shallow concepts like good and evil to judge me. I only do what I want." Suddenly, the protagonist appeared behind the author of this synopsis, punched him, and sent him flying. "The truth is simple. I am the death knell that rings in everyone's ears!" ---This is a translation--- Original Author: 混沌文工团 No One 17 and Under Admitted

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