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Martial Arts Worlds
Martial Arts Worlds

Martial Arts Worlds

191 Chapters 1428 Views 130 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Martial Arts Worlds novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Romance genres. Written by the author Alekzi. 191 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


"Martial Arts World..." Death murmured, shocked by the turn of the events.

How could he, primordial being of the afterlife, get tricked by a mere human? Not just a mere human, but also earthling, race that was weakest of the twenty realms.

Death realized the extent of his mistake. An earthling had just jumped into the river of the reincarnation, where he definitely didn't belong.

It was too late.

The damage has been done.

The matter was now out of his hands.

"Kiernan Hunter..."


Remake of the Martial Arts System, and while the concept stays the same, the story is completely different. A few names, etc, stays the same, but mostly whole new story.

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