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Losing My Religion
Losing My Religion

Losing My Religion

37 Chapters 204 Views 13 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Losing My Religion novel is a popular light novel covering Adult, Drama, Gender Bender, Romance, School Life, Slice of Life, Supernatural genres. Written by the author Meteorologist. 37 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Adam has his life figured out: he’s going to get his business degree, wait to have sex with his girlfriend until they’re married, and live up to all of the moral expectations his priest father has set for him.

Every part of that plan goes out the window, however, when he transforms into a demon – a particularly feminine one at that. Suddenly, Adam has to deal with all of the feelings he’s been hiding from and question who he wants to be.

'Losing My Religion' is an egg-fic drama with messy relationships, religious guilt, and a bunch of college kids too attractive for the protagonist’s good.

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