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Lord of the Sky City
Lord of the Sky City

Lord of the Sky City

291 Chapters 1569 Views 134 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Lord of the Sky City novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Fantasy genres. Written by the author Rookie Detective. 291 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


When the land was occupied by demons, people had no choice but to flee to the sky.

After transmigration, Ricky found that he had become the City Lord of a Sky City. He quickly became familiar with this new world and established a clear direction for survival, which was to resolutely engage in farming (kingdombuilding)!

He would farm (kingdombuilding) diligently, develop vigorously, and then gallop through the skies.

If anyone disagrees, then launch a great sky battle.

Or a war!

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