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Life of Being a Crown Prince in France
Life of Being a Crown Prince in France

Life of Being a Crown Prince in France

416 Chapters 2952 Views 87 Bookmarked Ongoing Status


Life of Being a Crown Prince in France novel is a popular light novel covering Historical genres. Written by the author Mount Tianhai. 416 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


In France, just entered Versailles, with the identity of the Crown Prince.

The only problem was that the reigning king was Louis XVI, and in two years, he’d be “snapped”…

Since I couldn’t rely on dear old dad and the ministers, I had to take matters into my own hands to reform France!

First, make a bit of easy money to solve the financial crisis that had plagued the nation for hundreds of years.

Then give a harsh lesson to those nobles harboring treacherous intentions and plotting to seize power.

Next, confiscate the Church’s abundant lands, acquired without lifting a finger.

Industry, technology, agriculture, commerce—I will all advance side by side, I, the greatest Crown Prince in France!

That year, when the little British struggled with the allied forces at his borders, I simply took over his little island.

That year, my sword pointed at all of Europe, the magnificent feat Napoleon didn’t accomplish, I will achieve!!!

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