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I Kinda Came to Another World, but Where’s the Way Home?
I Kinda Came to Another World, but Where’s the Way Home?

I Kinda Came to Another World, but Where’s the Way Home?

92 Chapters 152 Views 15 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

I Kinda Came to Another World, but Where’s the Way Home? novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Harem, Shounen, Slice of Life genres. Written by the author Koishi | こいし. 92 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


This story is about a 3rd year high school student who’s being bullied, and whose name is Naginata Kitsune. There isn’t any physical bullying and nothing gets stolen, but he is isolated in class, and his only priority is getting in perfect attendance.

A girl transfers into his class and they quickly become best friends. However, after being called out by some jealous male students threatening her, he saves the transfer student at the cost of his life.

But this isn’t the end as Kitsune finds himself well and alive, but in an unfamiliar forest. What will become of him now?

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