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I Can Read People's Comments
I Can Read People's Comments

I Can Read People's Comments

144 Chapters 338 Views 91 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

I Can Read People's Comments novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, Fantasy genres. Written by the author Fixten. 144 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


Theodore Griffith was a master of Reality. He understood the parallel universe in the form of another reality. He was aware that someone’s wish, story, or pure imagination could give birth to a new reality just like his own.

Hence, he planned to find the creator of his reality by roaming among the realities. This time, he entered a new reality connected to several other realities.

However, what made him certain the most was that this reality was connected to the person who created his reality. He knew that fact because of the ability he gained in this world.

He could actually see people’s comments, allowing him to realize that his entire life and reality were born from a story.

“Hehe. You have made a mistake in making me realize this. With the readers on my back, I can force you, the author, to make a plot for us to meet.” Theo said while giggling. “That’s why I’m counting on you guys.”

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