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I Can Give Talent
I Can Give Talent

I Can Give Talent

165 Chapters 1611 Views 103 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

I Can Give Talent novel is a popular light novel covering Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, Slice of Life genres. Written by the author PotatoHero. 165 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


A cultivator with normal aptitude finally found a treasure that could change his life but to his disappointment, he could not directly benefit from it.

Author's Note: I noticed that my novel trended here and started getting some dislikes. I'm sorry for the readers expecting a serious and smart MC because I am not smart enough to write one. I just wanted to inform you that my MC in this novel will always be goofy. Thank you for understanding.


Upload Schedule: Monday-Friday. Weekend rest.


21 Chapters ahead on Patreon if interested.

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