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I Became the Cute One in the Troubleshooter Squad
I Became the Cute One in the Troubleshooter Squad

I Became the Cute One in the Troubleshooter Squad

51 Chapters 368 Views 45 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

I Became the Cute One in the Troubleshooter Squad novel is a popular light novel covering Gender Bender, Fantasy, Mystery, Comedy, Adventure, Psychological, Sci-fi, Supernatural, Action genres. Written by the author 커리우유. 51 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


A world where dragons serve as mayors, elves work in sales, and orcs brew coffee.

In a city full of enhanced humans and wandering wizards, I became a young girl with psychic powers.

“To do something so terrible to a child… These people are despicable.”

“Human experimentation related to psychic powers is an international crime, punishable by at least the death penalty. This is absolutely unacceptable.”

“Don’t worry anymore. From now on, you’ve got nothing to fear. We’ll take care of everything for you, little sister!”

It seems the protagonists have misunderstood something.

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