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I Became A Part Time Employee For Gods
I Became A Part Time Employee For Gods

I Became A Part Time Employee For Gods

201 Chapters 618 Views 53 Bookmarked Ongoing Status

I Became A Part Time Employee For Gods novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Drama, Fantasy, Shounen genres. Written by the author No Name. 201 chapters have been translated and translation of other chapters are in progress.


I Became A Part Time Employee For Gods Light Novel Description: When areas called “Dungeons” started appearing, individuals with Abilities also emerged. Damduk Yoo believed that these Abilities would catapult mankind to greater heights until he realized he wasn’t given any! Damduk loathed his situation so much that he cursed the gods, and the gods seemed to have heard him since he was struck by lightning. When he woke up, a system window appeared, telling him the gods were waiting for him… I’m a Part-Timer for the Gods Novel, Albanara of the Gods Novel, Albanian of the Gods Novel, The Part Time Nation of the Gods Novel, The Part-Time Land of the Gods Novel, 신들의 알바나라

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